Why Success Loves Speed of Implementation

No matter where you are located, one thing is always true if you want outstanding results  Your speed of implementation is always a  winner.

Have you ever sat down with a smart friend, and in the midst of your conversation about opportunities, business ideas or investments, your friend   says, “You know what? I had that same idea(One that someone else has blown up from a concept into a  multi million pound proven business) a few years ago! I should have done something about it!” That’s the sound and footprint of the anti-speed of implementation. It’s the lament of those who hesitated, who are not part of a powerful ecosystem, no viable community or tribe, No Mentor!

Resulting in a lack of know-how and resources and ultimately missing out on golden opportunities. In today’s world, the bold and adventurous who act quickly, are the ones who learn, grow and succeed at something fast, even if it’s a lesson in how not to do things!

The Technology Revolution teaches a lesson

Even if not AI and Technology even the real estate market in London teaches us this lesson.If nothing else the rise in property prices and rentals you can’t afford to sit on an opportunity for long. Before you realise it someone else has taken action and that could be as from as far away as China. Take a walk through the heart of the square mile or Canary Wharf  You’ll see deals being discussed over quick coffee meetings, or zoom, team meetings online, and startups pitching to investors or Angels.

The truth is, success in this city, or anywhere else for that matter, favours those who act.  In my view the most crucial moment isn’t necessarily in making the choice—it’s in implementing it immediately.

The Missed Opportunities

Think back to your own experiences. How many times have you had a brilliant idea, only to find out months later that someone else has brought it to life?  An App? A Scalable tech innovation, an educational revolutionary software, but  newsflash  while you were thinking someone has taken action!

The difference between you and the person who made it happen? Speed of implementation.  This is often guided by a company board or by an Entreprenurs “Mentor” . A Mentor will identify and point you towards  immediate  action on an idea while you might  still thinking about it over a cup of tea waiting for  the next steps, waiting for conditions to be perfect.

The Absence of a  Board of Directors or a Mentor otherwise known as The  True Cost Price of Hesitation

Perfection  and Loneliness in decision making are often twin enemies of progress. One of my clients, a dynamic female entrepreneur based in Shoreditch,  struggled with this , Prior to meeting with me. She had a groundbreaking concept for a subscription-based wellness service aimed at busy professionals in London. For months, she held back, discussing and debating branding colours and route to market. Meanwhile, others in the industry were already testing similar concepts, and captured market share.

It was only when she  opened up and embraced  the value of her mentoring and the mindset of implementing quickly—getting a minimal viable product out to her target audience—that she started to see real progress. She learned that speed is not about rushing; it’s about recognizing the value of momentum. When you act quickly, you generate a feedback loop, allowing you to adapt and evolve your idea faster than those who are still  thinking.

My former  Client Amara Kanu, comes to mind in my mentoring group we worked on designing and developing her business , her message , book  and product launch all within 12 months!

Why Speed Matters for Women in Business

For many women in business, the need for speed can feel even more pressing. Juggling  multiple roles and responsibilities. Waiting for the perfect time is a luxury that might never arise. Instead, we need to  strike while the iron is hot  seizing opportunities as they arise. One of my clients, a financial educator had ponded on her route to market , but since she has  come in to my 90 day accelerator program she is very much aimed at launching before Christmas. I will celebrate her publicity once this happens!

Mentoring with me, means making  Speed Your Friend

So, how can you make speed your Friend rather than your adversary?

  • Act on Ideas Quickly, Shore up your confidence and be clear and decisive in action taking.
  • Embrace the Imperfect, If Microsoft can  release updated versions so can you, just get started with those imperfections.
  • Create a Bias for Action, Decide to remember in an action taking ecosystem, tribe or community like ours.
  • Leverage the AI, Watch the speed of implementation, if they can you can definitely give it a try

Or even better Join our 90 Day  Mentoring and Product creation programme with AI.

So, the next time you’re sitting on a great idea, don’t let it become another “I should have done something about it” moment. Implement it. Today. Because in the race for success, speed is not just an asset—it’s your ticket to winning.

Business Coach| AI Developer| Investor

Sam Onigbanjo