How Abi doubled her Income and slashed her working hours in 6 months!

Meet my client Abi, someone who was where you might be right now. In her mid-20s, she started her career with all the excitement of entering the corporate world. Her job was rewarding, her five-figure income looked good on paper and rose to 6 figures after a number of years and promotions she was doing well. But after 11 years in the corporate world, something inside her shifted.
The shift wasn’t just about the corporate world it was even deeper. She was tired of living for someone else’s dream and direction she wanted more. She wanted to live her life. She wanted time to enjoy herself, travel, and spend more moments with her family and friends. She wanted freedom and money.
Unknown and undetected to her she was stuck in her comfort zone. Life had become so comfortable, so familiar, that her brain saw it as normal. And here’s something important to understand—your brain can’t tell the difference between what’s holding you back and what’s helping you grow. Once a behaviour becomes routine, it no longer feels risky. For Abi, that routine was waiting for assignments and referrals to come to her.
In her corporate role, she was asked to join meetings, was given juniors to inspire, and was assigned new projects. Work came to her inbox, and as a side hustle friends referred clients without her lifting a finger. This passive approach was her “Normal”, but eventually, as she looked more and more at the world of entrepreneurship she understood the landscape was different. The world outside of corporate moved differently, and Abi found herself stuck in an old pattern while the SME world moved forward.
It was the desire to break free from her corporate life that made Abi sign up with me, though initially, she thought it was for coaching to get her mind more productive.

Here is one Key thing I worked with Abi to deliver and this you can do as well to escape the comfort zone and step into real success
Shift Your Marketing Mindset: Stop waiting for things to come to you. Whether it’s a job or a client, go out and make your presence known. Use Traditional and Digital Inroads

For Abi, her comfort zone wasn’t just about being in control it was about waiting for someone else to define her next activity . This is how Abi was educated from University onwards, join the system , follow the Instruction but this is not now Entrepreneurs grow!

So, what did Abi do? She stopped waiting. She attended one of my masterclasses that showed her exactly how to take charge of her marketing, reach out for new opportunities, and create her own success. In less than six months, she went from making five figures to six figures. But more than that, she gained the freedom she’d always wanted—to live life on her terms, with the freedom to enjoy more time with the people she loved.
If you’re reading this and thinking well done Abi, then I have an opportunity for you also to take the same steps she did . Make life happen, stop waiting for it to happen to you. Breaking News it’s time to break free from the comfort zone. And that starts by taking action today
One great place to begin is with my 1/2 Day Profitable Business Actions Coaching Masterclass with a maximum of 9 other delegates. This isn’t just about learning business strategies—it’s about changing your mindset and unleashing the potential and personal power you already have inside you.
The comfort zone might feel safe now, but trust me, growth is where the real magic happens. So, are you ready to take the leap and live life on your terms? Let’s make it happen. Click here and Join us now!

Your Guide
Sam Onigbanjo